2015 > 07

Modyfied from a bigstock.com photo Modyfied from a bigstock.com photo

To celebrate the first international #BumpDay today July 22nd, I would like to share a bump with a cord clamping message. Please share this picture, your own bump or someother bump you like in social media and tag it #BumpDay. Read more at bumpday.org where they write:

'According to the World Health Organization (WHO), maternal health and newborn health are closely linked. Most maternal deaths are preventable with access to prenatal care in pregnancy, skilled care during childbirth, and care and support in the weeks after childbirth.

This July, we’re bringing awareness to the importance of healthy pregnancies and beautiful bumps all over the globe. Join us as we celebrate BumpDay and promote healthy pregnancies and beautiful bumps around the world, because healthy futures start with healthy beginnings.´

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You can read questions and answers all around the Internet about cord clamping and umbilical cord stem cell banking and/or donating.
In this blog I will always try to stick to what is scientifically known and perhaps even proven, which is not always the same as what common sense says.
Common sense implies that if the placenta transfusion to the newborn is complete, there won't be much blood blood left to bank och donate.
When it comes to research regarding delayed cord clamping and stem cell banking I do not know of any research done. There is an ongoing study at Karolinska hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, which I am involved in, looking at how many stem cell that are available after 1 minute delayed cord clamping and then how this affects iron stores at four months compared to immediate and delayed after 3 minutes clamping (that is compared to our earlier study published in the BMJ).
I will go through the recent research to be found in this area and return in a future blog post. It's an open question, and up the parents to judge and decide: do we want to ask to optimize the placental transfusion or the harvesting of stem cells? And as always to counsel their obstetrician and midwife.
My hope goes to the research of harvesting and enriching the umbilical stem cells. Perhaps in the future we are able to enrich those probably few stem cells left after a full placental transfusion, or we will be able to use other stem celks found in the placenta.
Then we could, as we at least say in Sweden, eat the cookie and still keep it.

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You can read questions and answers all around the Internet about cord clamping and umbilical cord stem cell banking and/or donating.
In this blog I will always try to stick to what is scientifically known and perhaps even proven, which is not always the same as what common sense says.
Common sense implies that if the placenta transfusion to the newborn is complete, there won't be much blood blood left to bank och donate.
When it comes to research regarding delayed cord clamping and stem cell banking I do not know of any research done. There is an ongoing study at Karolinska hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, which I am involved in, looking at how many stem cell that are available after 1 minute delayed cord clamping and then how this affects iron stores at four months compared to immediate and delayed after 3 minutes clamping (that is compared to our earlier study published in the BMJ).
I will go through the recent research to be found in this area and return in a future blog post. It's an open question, and up the parents to judge and decide: do we want to ask to optimize the placental transfusion or the harvesting of stem cells? And as always to counsel their obstetrician and midwife.
My hope goes to the research of harvesting and enriching the umbilical stem cells. Perhaps in the future we are able to enrich those probably few stem cells left after a full placental transfusion, or we will be able to use other stem celks found in the placenta.
Then we could, as we at least say in Sweden, eat the cookie and still keep it.

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