New, but a bit outdated podcast on umbilical cord clamping
Dr. Chapas ObGynPearls have published a podcast called: Delayed vs. Immediate Umbilical Cord Clamping at Delivery
It's a comprehensive review, although a bit outdated as it uses data extrapolated from ACOG committee opinion from December 2012.
Dr. Chapas ObGynPearls is presented as "Evidence based lessons and factual clinical pearls to accompany the Texas A&M College of Medicine ObGyn Clerkship. Dr. Hector Chapa is a Board-Certified ObGyn who has published over 40 clinical studies. Additionally, Dr. Chapa has served as an FDA clinical trial investigator for a variety of gynecological medical devices. He currently serves as Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for the Texas A&M College of Medicine."…/#
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